Ear Wax Removal
Ear Wax Removal
Struggling with ear ache or loss of hearing?
"Microsuction is the safest and most comfortable method of earwax removal"
Ear Wax Removal Process
Microsuction uses gentle suction to clean the ear and is safer and more comfortable than all other forms of ear cleaning such as syringing and irrigation.
A small, thin probe is directed at the ear wax in the ear canal and gentle suction is applied to remove the blockage.
An audiologist examines your ears to evaluate the earwax buildup.
You are positioned comfortably, and the specialist explains the procedure.
A small, thin probe is gently inserted into the ear canal with gente suction applied.
You receive guidance on maintaining ear hygiene and preventing future buildup.
Ear wax removal prices
- Ear wax removal - £69 (for one or both ears)
- No wax (checkUp/consultation only) - £30
- Home visit ear wax removal - £99
- Home visit package (hearing test & wax removal) - £129

Why choose Audiocare for you professional earwax removal?
Our team consists of experienced audiologists and ear care professionals who are experts in ear wax removal.
We use the latest microsuction technology, ensuring the most effective and comfortable ear cleaning experience.
We tailor our ear care services to meet the specific needs of each individual, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Audio Care offers pre-procedure instructions to boost ear wax removal effectiveness and reduce the need for repeat visits.
Our microsuction technique allows for precise removal of earwax, minimizing the risk of damage to the ear canal and eardrum.
Our commitment to your ear health extends beyond the procedure, with follow-up advice and support to maintain ear hygiene.

Preparation for your Microsuction appointment
When preparing for microsuction ear wax removal, we recommend to use sterile olive oil only in the days leading up to your appointment. (1-3 nights before is ideal, 1 drop per day)
Earol is an easy to use sterile olive oil spray that we recommend.
We do not recommend using excessive amounts of oil or using alternative drops/sprays such as Otex as they can increase the likelihood of a second visit being required to complete the procedure.

Our hearing services
Experienced audiologists and highly trained specialists in hearing care
Experienced audiologists and highly training specialists in hearing care